Friday 9th September 2016

Getting friendlier...
The Dartmoor Girls are definitely getting friendlier and it really is all about food!! We are at the stage now where the sight of a jug of food gets their attention and if this is followed by the sound of said food being poured into a black jug, well… they come running. Although actually only Fern and Burr do, Bell looks but is still too shy (or indifferent) to come over. None of them are happy for us to touch them yet though and if we approach without food they tend to walk away from us, a walk which turns into a run if we get too close.
Relaxed at Home
They are exploring more and more though and whilst they spend the majority of their time in the bottom 3-acre, tonight all three (along with the Shetlands) came up to the barn, had a good nose around the new pole barn up there and also tucked into the salt licks we have out. It was fabulous to see.
And in the next couple of weeks we need to decide what date to go and fetch our ram, a male Whiteface, whom we bought at the same time as the girls but asked the breeder to hang on to for a while. Then the fun and games really will begin (we hope...).