Monday 3rd October 2016

Spot the difference!
Our sheep flock is now complete for the spring. Yesterday we sold our Whiteface Dartmoor sheep and today we collected three more Shetland ewes and a ram. There are apparently over 30 recognised markings for the Shetlands. The photo shows the Morrit Gulmoget! The one at the back is Skerry, the others are two of our three newbies (yet to be named) - we are certainly going to have fun and games learning to tell them apart. At the moment it is by ear tag colours or in the case of Skerry, NO ear tags at all - and when pray tell, did you lose those???
Relaxed at Home
We now have six Shetlands and two Badgerface to put to the ram - a rather handsome Grey Katmoget named by his breeder as Muntjack (we might keep his name)! The current plan is to put them together by the end of this week which should then mean March lambing dates!! Our four lambs will have to be separated from their mums at that point which will probably necessitate the need for ear plugs! We will put them in the field with the cows which may or may not keep them quiet!!
It’s all very exciting…. We just hope we can work out how to fit the raddle and harness to Muntjack: advice from a sheep friend: ‘make sure it is snug and check it regularly’!!