Saturday 22nd October 2016

Washing bums, round 2...
The words 'yeah right' would have been on Sage’s lips if cows could talk!!! The words ‘b***** are on ours!!! Our aborted efforts to get bums washed yesterday were obviously imprinted on the cows and especially Sage, she being the one who we had attempted to get clean first. (You can see the kind of look we were getting from this photo.)
Relaxed at Home
The five of them readily went through the gate back into the 4-acre field (as planned) but the excitement of new grass, not to mention the presence of the sheep who simply had to be said hello to, PLUS the fact we then tried to steer them towards the field shelter (blimy girls, do you remember what happened in a field shelter yesterday?....) all conspired to give us a 0% chance of getting them where we wanted them. No amount of food jug shaking was going to persuade the cows otherwise and to have continued with our plan would have been stressful for both us, and more importantly for them, so we agreed tomorrow we would move to Plan C!!
(Plan C yet to be decided of course…).
It is slightly offending Jack that we have cows with mucky behinds... .David is trying not to mutter the phrase ‘OCD’… In Jack's defense the vet had also intimated that so much poo on the back ends was possbly not such a great thing!