Thursday 29th December 2016

The next big job...
Another lovely day on the weather front, the evening colours in the 4-acre field are gorgeous. We have now finished ‘Operation slate’ – the gateway is as‘mud-free’ as it needs to be and getting in and out of both the Cow Pad and the gate to the compost heaps, is sooo much easier.
Relaxed at Home
Looking at our ‘to do’ list, we feel the next big job to tackle ought to be the tidying the lean-to. It is not a total mess but we have not quite got to the stage where everything has a ‘proper’ place, there are also a few items at the very bottom that are destined for the tip and really ought to be removed instead of taking up valuable space.
As a smallholder, it can be difficult to decide that something is of no value and ought to be thrown. The phrase: ‘that could be useful one day’ is the usual response when considering whether or not to keep something. Before we moved we had a major clear out and as such did not bring anything with us that we did not think we needed. However, we have ‘inherited’ a fair bit from the previous owners and whilst a lot has been massively useful (old scaffolding planks, fence posts, hayracks…), water troughs that have rusted through and rat chewed poultry feeders are a little harder to find a use for.