Monday 27th February 2017

Seriously pregnant!!
Garlic is huge, Onion is pretty huge too and in has to be said that both goats, especially Garlic, are making heavy weather of being pregnant just now. Garlic sits and grumbles and moans and occasionally grinds her teeth – although is always very happy to get up for food!! It has not helped either of them that last Thursday evening, they took advantage of a window being blown open between the barn and the lean-to and decided to leap through it, using the conveniently positioned feed bin on the barn side as a platform. We found them in amongst the hay and straw at the back of the barn and looking very pleased with themselves. They were not quite so pleased the next morning however when the combination of being heavily pregnant and jumping down from a meter’s height, proved a bit too much for their legs and BOTH of them were stiff and lame.
Relaxed at Home
Garlic was the worst and despite a shot of metacam, her improvement has not been as good as we would have liked, and so today we got the vet out just to check nothing really bad was going on. Rachel concluded that she probably had just sprained her self and advised more metacam, another couple of shots if necessary, today and again on Thursday!!!!
Rachel also agreed that each was probably carrying more than one kid each due to their size. Garlic is the biggest with her right side now being very noticeably larger than her left (rumen) side. Last year they had five kids between them. We would be very happy with five or more again, preferably more girls than boys of course!!
We discussed feeding regimes: both goats are pretty much on maximum rations for goats carrying twins. Garlic’s weight is fine, Onion’s is just about fine but increasing her feed at this time (just 3 weeks before her due date) would probably not increase her weight. Instead we would just end up with large kids that she might struggle to give birth to. It is a fine balancing act, the feeding of pregnant stock. As we have mentioned with the sheep, body conditioning is vital.
Pepper is being very laid back and lovely with his two wives! It has to be said that all three are more relaxed since Curds and Pickle went. We miss them terribly but the health and well being of the Boers is much better now, so it was a good call!!!