Monday 6th March 2017

Winter Proofing for NEXT year!!
We would quite like to see a bit of sun again!! It has been a while! We do get the odd bit of blue sky (search the photo of our poultry paddock, it is there...) but the rain is definitely ahead on the weather stakes. In a way it is good that we have got so wet because now we are seeing our land how it might be over a WHOLE winter where it rains from November and does not stop till spring. Up until the end of February it really had been a fab winter and we were sort of lulled into a false sense of security!!!
Relaxed at Home
We are now building a bit of a list of jobs that need to be done in order to further winter proof our land for next winter.
  • Create hard core path from road gate in 4-acre right down to the barn (can use it for wheeling hay etc up to the cows and also for the quad for taking the muck up to the compost heap when we clean out the barn
  • Build second field shelter in top of 4-acre (possibly with hard standing round entrance)
  • Get water systems sorted in 4-acre so we don’t have a hose pipe trailing across field and installing automatic drinkers and taps
  • Find way of fencing off very top of 3-acre by barn so animals cannot get on there as this is a VERY wet piece of land
  • Put some kind of membrane on ground in cow field shelter to stop water coming up as much
  • Put hard core down just outside poultry stall as water from green lane turns this into a stream!!!
There will be more we are sure, we need to take a walk round and see what else needs doing!!! (and then check our bank balance to see if we can afford it all!!)