Wednesday 22nd March 2017

At Last!!
Well, at last.. Mrs Brown has finally given birth: a mere FIFTEEN days after the optimum 145 day gestation period. We could see she was a tad starry-eyed this afternoon and then having come in for tea, she started the ‘nesting’ routine: pawing the straw, turning round and round, ‘talking’ to her right side. These two were delivered in our absence around 8.30pm and rather wonderfully are both girls. They are stonkingly huge compared to Skerry’s pure Shetlands and seem bigger than Mrs White’s were when they were born, We will weigh them in the morning and see how they compare.
Relaxed at HomeRelaxed at Home
As the vet said, and as we often say (but still then go ahead and worry), nature does indeed know best. Mrs Brown is an old hand at being a great mum, this is in fact her SIXTH lambing so she knows what she is doing.
Tomorrow is set to be sunny and dry (as indeed was today after a horrendous night) so in the morning we will probably put her and her lambs straight outside with Mrs W. and Skerry. Then in the evening, we will bring in Ness and Noss who are both due this weekend. And of course there is Lamorna who still looks nowhere near close to lambing...
So far so good, we are still at 200% lambing rate, with 0% interference and a ratio now of 2:1 female to male!!! At the moment Lambing 2017 is incredibly trouble-free!! Wil it remain so?