Friday 31st March 2017

Whalsay does us proud
Whalsay did us proud this morning by giving birth to these two stunning ewe lambs out in the field, whilst we were out walking the dogs! By the time we got back, they were up, dry and one was feeding! As the weather was not so good today though (wind and rain), we brought all three of them into the barn to keep warm and dry plus we wanted to be sure the second one had had a drink too. Whalsay did not seem that keen to stand for her outside even though the first had been suckling away. We got them all sorted in the ‘mothering’ pen though and by teatime, we had two very full bellies.
Relaxed at HomeRelaxed at Home
The Shetlands have proved very good at both giving birth and looking after their youngsters AND not being far off their due dates. Of the four so far, we have one on time, two on a day later and now Whalsay at two days overdue.
The alpacas trotted over to say hi before we brought them in, giving us good photography material. Not that we have an issue with foxes but if we did, we know these guys would protect our sheep flock as well as they did the poultry back in Minions.
Just two left to lamb now and the first is not till the 7th, a whole week away. This is also the due date for Parsley which is going to be another whole new experience.