Wednesday 19th December 2018

Kidding 2019.. and so it begins
Horray, 24 days after her last season, Sorrel has now decided Soldier IS a good choice for the father of her kids after all and so today, love and sex were in the air for them both. If all goes well, this means we will starting kidding mid May next year, which will be after lambing but before calving.
Relaxed at HomeRelaxed at Home
Pebbles is due back in season any day from Christmas Eve and Onion around 29th, Coriander is a bit of a mystery, we thought she was in season back at the start of November, same time as her mum, but we have not spotted anything since. Soldier was however, showing a little bit of interest in her this evening though so fingers crossed…
And to think that last month were thinking they may have CAE and we would need to cull them both!!!!