We are just a little optomistic: so far, this winter is nowhere near as wet as last and today as we walked the land, some places were no longer as saturated and muddy as they had been. AND this coming week is set to be dry and cold!!!

We also think we are all now sorted as far as pregnant goats are concerned in that Onion was in season yesterday and so we very much hope Soldier has done the deed. We are a lttle unsure about Corrinader because we have not really seen her in a full-blown season although have seen Soldier showing an interest in her. In not such good news, we think he may have impregnated Garlic though because she was seriously in season last Thursday and the little so-and-so escaped from his stall. We were actually there in the barn with them all, but weren't quick enough to stop him! We now have a visit to the vets booked in order to give Garlic an injection to (hopefully) make her re-absork the foetus. If we allowed her to carry on with the pregnancy, it would stunt her growth and quite possibly
she would have problems giving birth anyway. A big fat whoops on our behalf!!!
And so as 2018 becomes 2019, we feel we are entering another year, ever more sorted on the holding with animals numbers as we want them, plans all in place
for some great births in the spring and an infrastructure that allows us to do more of what we wantt as efficiently as possible!!