Saturday 9th February 2019
Egg colours
Despite the grey, damp days, daylight hours are increasing and so are our egg numbers and so too, the egg colours. The greens and blues are from legbar crosses. The best green (in the middle) is from a Silver-laced Orpington hen cross. Her dad was a pure Silver-laced (light brown egg layers) and mum was a legbar cross (blue egg layer). Said bird lays almost every single day into a huge tub in the barn full of bailer twine (because lovely soft, straw lined nestboxes are obviously way too common...).
The dark brown eggs are from Marans and the white from our White Leghorns. A lot of our paler brown egg layers are Indian Game and Indian Game crosses… often they come with a bit more of a sheen to them which is characteristic of the Indian Game hens.
There is a definite 'thing' amongst smallholders to try to fill their egg boxes with as many different coloured eggs as possible. We are quite proud of our efforts so far!!! |