Wednesday 27th February 2019

Mrs White's limp is no better and so today we had the vet out (Alice – a new vet to the practice). It took her a while but eventually she found a point just up from the flat of Mrs White's foot in the 'wall' which seemed to be the origin of the pain. Her theory was that there may be a stone or similar embedded there in amongst some compacted mud. She was unable to dig it out though as the gap is narrow and the compacted mud now very hard!!
Relaxed at Home
Alice gave her a shot of ABs to see if that might kill off any source of infection and we are to repeat this in 5 days. If she is still lame after that, further investigation may be needed. IF we can, we may try to soak her foot to see if we can loosen some of the mud in the wall of her hoof - although this may be a tall order.
Annoyingly, we also have had three cases of scald recently in Muckle, Whalsay (pictured) and Mrs Brown. We have so few health isues with the sheep usually, it’s a tad annoying to have four problems so close together!!