Saturday 30th March 2019

Meet Chili
Huge excitement: after the tragedy of losing Salt last month, we have been on the lookout for a third kitten. We had one sort of one in mind via a friend In Cornwall but there was a delay in her cat becoming pregnant and so mindful of Pepper getting older, we began to look elsewhere. After what seemed to be a lot of fruitless searching, we found a litter in Exmouth and today went to view them. And so meet Chili!!! Chili (as in Chili Pepper, obviously) is a 4 week old Ragdoll cross female with the sweetest, softest mum ever – a grand sign for her potential temperament. We didn’t see dad but he is a domestic orangey/brown who has passed on his colouring on his daughter’s legs (not viewable in the photo).
Relaxed at HomeRelaxed at Home
We pick Chili up in four weeks!!!! She is obviously hugely cute, very pick-up-able and we are going to love her to bits.