Today was moving day: we moved the sheep and alpacas into the top 3-acre with the goats, the cows into the top 2-acre and the rhea into the bottom 2-acre. We can say this now it is all over but it went so well: everyone behaved, went exactly where we wanted them to go, stayed where we wanted them to stay and all showed their appreciation by getting their heads down into the new grass now on offer.
We are now set up for lambing and kidding by having the sheep and goats in the field nearest the house (and viewable from the study). There is currently a lot of grass in the top 3-acre as it has pretty much rested over the winter with only the goats recently starting to use it again.
We need to run a fecal egg count and so check the worm burdens of all our ruminants: we don’t want any carrying burdens in the last few weeks of their pregnancies and nor do we want them chucking worms and eggs out onto the pasture.
Hopefully we can get that sorted this week!!!