Sunday 7th April 2019

Egg round up
Of the nineteen goose eggs we currently have incubating, sixteen proved to be fertile and currently all are still growing: ten in the incubator and six under broodies. The first ones are due to hatch in a week and by next Saturday the nerves will be jangling!! Our huge hope is that how ever many goslings we get, we will have enough broody chickens and ducks to look after them….
Relaxed at HomeRelaxed at Home
Meanwhile we can now confirm that it is Napoleona laying the turkey eggs and today she began to show signs of wanting to start sitting on them. We have 13 in total and have now put all of them in her nest box, with our fingers crossed.. (we had been removing them, mainly to ensure they stayed clean and safe as the nestbox in question can be rather a busy one).
And we end with Apple and her perfect duck egg next of 18 eggs – what was that we said about NOT doing too much hatching this year??