Wednesday 17th April 2019
Incubation problems
Well, our Jubilee Indian Game, aptly named Jubilee (we are just so imaginative) is turning out to be a terrible broody. She sat on 15 duck eggs, 13 of which turned out to be fertile and managed to hatch just three ducklings (the three we mentioned on Monday). This morning we found one of them dead, looking as though it had been stood on and this evening neither of the remaining two were under mum at all, with one being so cold it was at the point of dying!!
We removed both and gave them to our Red Leghorn Cross (Red!), a known and trusted broody and fingers crossed she manages to keep them both warm through the night. We aren’t hopeful about the one we have to say!!
And in other news, we candled some of Napoloena's turkey eggs tonight. We are on day 6 so a little early (day seven/eight is better) but none of the ones we choose look fertile at all!!! This is not great news at all – not to have turkey poults running around will be terrible….. Elizabeth has started laying although having laid three eggs last week, hasn’t laid any since last Sunday so not quite sure what is going on with her... So, our words about 'mother nature' and 'breaking rules' on Monday are coming back to bite us on the bum… |