Saturday 20th April 2019
Meet Edward and Mary
Having discovered zero fertility when we candled a few of Napoleona’s eggs on Wednesday, tonight we candled them all and very sadly not a single one was growing. So, either Napoleon never mated with Napoleona (unlikely) or for some reason he is no longer producing viable sperm.
We have popped a broody on the 4 eggs so far laid by Elizabeth but on the basis that we are not at all optimistic that these will be fertile either, we advertised on Facebook for fertile eggs or young poults. It was something of a wonderful surprise to receive a reply from someone we know offering us a stag!!! It took a nano-second to decide to purchase him and so this afternoon we went to pick him up – along with a wife!!!
![]() We now have to decide what to do with Napoleon. We cannot really keep him as he and Edward will probably fight but he is a bit of a softie and it will be sad just to dispatch him. We wonder about advertising him as a pet but cannot imagine that many people being interested!!! Hmmmm…. Will have to have a ponder!!! |