Tuesday 16th July 2019

In the last three days we have had two of our ram lambs damaging their horns. The first, one of Bressay's, was obviously in a lot of pain with his as he laid down a lot and we didn't see him grazing and chewing the cud as much as the others. The second, Mrs White's boy, looked to have hit his really badly as there was masses of blood and the base was quite swollen, but in contrast, he showed no signs of being bothered at all.
Relaxed at Home
Both lambs were cleaned up and sprayed with Cyclo (antibiotic and anti-bacterial) and then we kept our fingers crossed against any fly strike as it is both the weather for it (warm) and a damaged horn area is a ‘perfect’ spot!!!
We had no idea how Bressay's boy did his (he was first) but then we saw blood on the gate to the field shelter, which was almost definitely from Mrs White's boy, so we now think they both may have squeezed underneath to get in and either then, or on the way back out, caught their horns. Ouch!! (photo is Mrs White's ewe lamb - no such worries for her!)