Thursday 25th July 2019

After talking to our vets and having another borderline worm count for Sorrel and Coriander, we have decided to keep them both inside for a few days to stop them picking up any more worms and also to separate them from their kids in order to begin the weaning process. Sorrel remains skinny with sloppy-ish poo, Coriander is not so bad but both will benefit from not having to give any more milk, The kids are over 10 weeks old now so should be fine. We put the two mums in the furthest of the double field shelters, out of sight but not out of earshot… (there is nowhere on the holding that is).
Relaxed at Home
The first few hours of separation were fine and then as evening came, so did the realization that they weren't going back to the barn.
It got very noisy... and as we type this (10pm ish), it still is.