1st: Such impressive and pristine looking birds and sadly, all will need to go - too many males!!!!!

1st: The magnificant 'rescue' rhea - we are loving watching him/her grow - s/he is developing into a very gentle soul and a fabulous flock leader.

3rd: No matter the ages, rhea chicks always look to their older siblings to snuggle up and keep warm, and the older siblings always accept them.

3rd: Salt!!! Need we say more!!!

5th: Always majestic, always together, always noisy - beautiful animals that we look forward to breeding from every year.

5th: A slightly 'poorly' Bruno, enjoying a bit of willow, having turned his nose up at goat mix (which is when we knew he defiitley was a bit off-colour) - hopefully normal service will be restored soon!!!

6th: Ceres and Venus with their 'what are your dogs playing at' expressions - and by dogs we mean 'Stonefly'!!!!

6th: Love these chicken poults, seven weeks old now and as incubator-raised chicks they are massively tame and 'still' get spoilt with afternoon lettuce.

7th: Turkey poults, just under four months old and looking fantastic - neither pure and we care not a jot!!

7th: A bit of rain and yet again, the little 'uns know where to go for protection and warmth.

8th: The geese: trying to decide if they have attitude or are just basically actually quite cute!!!!

9th: We love how the sheep and alpacas are essentially just one, big, harmonious group - we virtually never see them grazing as separate species anymore.

11th: It's felt like months.. but finally after what has infact been just several weeks, it looks as though Beta's patience is being rewarded.. look what we spotted today!!!

12th: This is White Toe who now has Beta's chick (don't ask) and at least one of his own!!!

13th: Oh my word, White Toe has only gone and hatched 8 of his 11 eggs - we are in awe!!!

15th: The goats living it up in luxury as we open up the second field shelter for them

16th: So, this is a newly weeded border in the garden (thanks Andrew), where the dogs have dug a hole which the cats are now using as a dust bath!! Are we fighting a losing battle?? In all probability!!!!

17th: A combination of long grass, damp nights and who knows what else have meant we have lost three of White Toe's chicks.... we therefore have brought him and the remaining chicks up to the barn to join all the rest, They can now spend their days in the Viewing paddock and their nights safely under cover. This is such a sweet sight!!!

19th: Oh my, the puppies are stealing our hearts, every day!!!!

20th: Communal drinking from the rhea

21st: More brambles against a setting sun - lovely end to the day all round!!

25th: What had been the hottest September on record, has now descended into wet and cold which has sadly claimed the lives of some of our youngest rhea, despite having inside cover to go into (not to mention White Toe to hide under). We should have ensured they were taking cover or not allowed them out... Lemon and Pear here have had the better idea, head for the top of the straw bales at the back of the barn and stay put!!!

27th: From this.... 
..to this!
We moved the sheep and alpacas from Fruit Field (our new name for the top 2-acre) to Swallow Field (far 2-acre) so they could enjoy some fresh grass. They were VERY grateful. Swallow field is so named in honour of the many swallows who frequent it in the summer and who provide hours of entertainment for the Irish who thoroughly enjoy the chase,

30th: White Toe is doing his best to be a good dad but sadly, the wet weather has taken its toll and we have lost a few of the youngsters who for some reason, have not found their way under dad when it has rained - nor gone inside. We are having to be a bit more proactiove in ensuring they take cover when needed!!
