Monday 13th February 2017
The waiting continues
There is a lot of lying down by the ewes at the moment. The photo shows Bressay who is not due to lamb until around April 10th. This is almost 8 weeks away still, so she is not yet even into those last crucial six weeks when 75% of the foetus growth takes place! Bressay, along with Muckle (due on 7th) will be the last two to lamb.
![]() For the alpacas, happily grazing in the background, it is business as usual which in their case pretty much means constant eating. Dear Mercury gets bigger and bigger and is now almost as tall as mum. We still cannot say for definite if Saturn and Venus are pregnant yet – we hope so but if they are, there are still a good four/ five month to go yet (due dates, June sometime...). In other news, we continue to ponder about the fate of both Pickle and Curds; we have frogspawn in the spring overflow puddles in the bottom 3-acre field and today life without Rabbit, continues to feel very strange and very sad!!! |