Wednesday 22nd February 2017
Calm before the storm (clichéd but true...)
A short break in the weather and the calves took full advantage for a quick play. We looked at why animals play back on the 2nd of this month – I think in this case, the 'play' here is a definite sign of each calf trying to assert its authority over the other. There is a month and a half between these two but as they get older, this age difference matters less and indeed the size difference is now markedly smaller too (Sage's younger calf is on the left)!!
![]() Tomorrow our ground cover matting arrives, followed on Friday by two loads of woodchip: no prizes for guessing what we will be doing over the next few days. Our aim is to have the Cow Pad functional again BEFORE lambing starts (around the 5th) so we can then start concentrating on the sheep. We very much hope the weather will have improved significantly by then too!!!! |