Thursday 9th March 2017
Relaxed lambing has started
And we’re off: Relaxed Lambing at Cadbury Cottage has officially started. These are Mrs White’s twins, one male, one female and the bonniest, most alert, most THIRSTY lambs it is possible to have!! They were born around 7.30 this evening. Our last check had been just before 7pm and then when we went back down just before 8pm, there they were, already up, suckling and quite ready for the new world in which they had found themselves.
![]() ![]() Every time we have been back to check the new arrivals this evening, they have been drinking from mum. I think it is safe to say that they have definitely had enough colostrum. The boy is slightly bigger. He was obviously born first as he was the driest and most steady on his feet when we first saw them. Both are INCREDIBLY pretty. Mrs Brown does not look near to giving birth, Lamorna is not even acting pregnant (and her udder is very small still) and poor Skerry is still limping and at times only walking on three legs: a bit of a worry!! But tonight belongs to these two: we hope that they have set a precedence for lovely, easy births!!! |