Thursday 16th March 2017
Banana's nest!
We are sure Mrs White’s ram lamb knew what he was doing when he ‘took on’ Skerry!! Bonkers animal. First things first: NO new lambs to report!!! ![]() ![]() Banana on the right now has nine eggs in her nest and is fiercely proud of them all. She is laying in the barn in-between a bale of hay and a container full of bailer twine. Each day when she comes to lay, she adds a bit more straw and hay to the nest and yesterday even added some bailer twine to the mix (which Jack promptly removed…). We imagine Banana will keep laying till she has a good 15/16 eggs and then she will start to incubate them. It will be lovely to have ducklings around the holding!! As yet we don’t have any broody chickens although we are getting stacks of eggs. Our new Indian Game cockerel is now settled and no longer being pursued by our Brahma cross boy. We have had lots of thoughts about our cockerels and this year’s breeding and in an ideal world would prefer to just have IG boys. That way, we could raise more pure stock (we have five IG females after all). Getting hold of another IG cockerel is proving a tad tricky however so we (Jack) may need to exercise some patience in getting this idea going!!!... |