Thursday 13th April 2017

Well, there’s a turn up for the books: mum on the WRONG side of the fence; kid on the RIGHT side. Garlic, along with Onion and Pepper had spent a very happy afternoon browsing in the hedgerow today, having worked out that the straining wire across the top of the fence was a tad lose and in one particular place it was dead easy to jump over!!! Trouble was though, at the end of the day when we began to rattle feed buckets, Garlic could not get back. It was only when we built up a platform for her (it got twice as high than the photo shows) did she eventually have the courage to leap back where she should be. She then had the audacity to run on ahead, get to the barn and start bleating for her supper!! Goats: bless them!!!
Relaxed at Home
Well that was today’s drama, otherwise it has been another beautiful day with Bressay STILL hanging onto her lambs, Parsley and her calf enjoying the sunshine and the geese getting more and more confident. We could do with a poultry update soon: lots to tell...
Oh, and in REALLY good news, revised worm counts for the goats came back today and we have ZERO eggs!! Mega chuffed!!