We have found our errant broody’s hideaway, or rather, as the photos show: the dogs have. We were alerted to their ‘find’ by barking and squawking - not the best combination of sounds – although in this case, the barking was more excitement than aggression and the squawking more ‘deeply offended’ than fearful!

Bless her... this particular hideaway is in fact in an area of the garden we call the ‘dog bank’ (for obvious reasons) and so whilst she is buried deep in vegetation, out of the rain and the
wind, the fact is that this bank is a favourite run for the dogs, 'might' have been a bit of a minus point when it came to choosing suitable nesting grounds.
Still, she has been there for ten days now and so chances are she will get through the next 11 till her chicks are due. We are mind you, going to have to keep a pretty close eye on her as hatching day approaches as getting from the dog bank back to the safety of the poultry paddock, could be quite a challenge for her with our excitable setters around. We are not sure how many eggs are under her, we have had a quick feel around and can say with confidence there are a fair few there!!!
Banana and her three ducklings are doing well and the Red leghorn is firmly sitting on the eggs we gave her yesterday (as indeed are all the other birds). We also have ‘turkey news’ but that will be saved for another day!!!