Sunday 9th July 2017
Browsing goats!
The goats are currently having a field day - literally. They have had access to the 4-acre field since it was topped and as three of the four sides are lined with hedging, they have all been browsing morning, noon and night. They have also taken advantage of the slightly dodgy fencing between this field and our 3-acre ones and so often when we go to check on them all, they are actually nowhere to be seen. If we call them, we then get a noisy column of goats snaking their way back through the middle of the hedging that separates the two fields (having gained access via the said dodgy fencing), and all looking mightily pleased with themselves – as per this photo.
![]() We so enjoy the goats and yet the longer we keep them all and see the relationships get stronger, the harder it is to think of parting with any of them. We have never really felt this way before, although of course having all this extra space does mean that having larger numbers is fine, in a way it never could have been back in Cornwall on our one acre!! Watch this space, decisions will be made one way or the other... |