Thursday 13th July 2017
Happy browsing...
Sorrel excelled herself today by getting into the hedgerow between our 2 sets of fields (which is what the Boers do all the time) but then NOT being able to get out. Jack tried to ‘help’ her for half an hour with no success and so ended up getting some feed in a trugg and putting it in the most likely place where we thought Sorrel ought to be able to get back through. It worked! She launched one of her front feet into the gap in the fence and somehow hauled herself up and over. Unfortunately the sheep has smelt the feed by this stage and so by the time Sorrel was in a position to be able to eat (having unceremoniously picked herself up after her inelegant fall back though the fence), most of the feed was gone. We told her she did not really deserve it anyway!!
![]() Coriander does keep trying to take milk from her - Sorrel will kick her off but if she persists, we may have to separate them for a while to get Coriander out of the habit as this won't be helping her weight. That won’t go down well so we hope to avoid this if possible. We will see how the weight regime goes for a few more weeks yet – basically she is getting an extra late breakfast/early lunch – which unsurprisingly makes us VERY popular with her!! |