These are some of our young Indian Game birds, bred from our own stock this year. We have three females and two males and at just under three months, we think they are looking quite good. Our plans are to sell all our Indian Game except one of these females and two cockerels from our bought-in eggs as these are to become our breeding cockerels for next year. We hope that we can sell the rest and cover the cost of a few bags of feed (which is often how these things are measured, as ‘making a profit’ is not usually achievable when it comes to selling livestock)! We have someone from North Wales vaguely interested but that is a long way to come so we shall see.

We hope too to sell all our IG crosses as well. We don’t want to keep any of our own birds this year as we need to get our poultry numbers down to a sensible amount in anticipation of another Avian Flu lockdown. It is not certain what we will be required to do this winter but many poultry keepers are sure that some, if not all of us, may be required to house our birds indoors for some of the time. The ONLY good thing about having to keep the birds in is that they won’t then be able to come into the barn and make a mess of the goat bedding.'. but seriously we really hope they can spend the whole winter outside. We are in a low risk area here in Chulmleigh as we don’t have any near water that attracts wildfowl so it may be that we might just have a short lockdown period!! Here’s hoping!!