Friday 15th September 2017

Looking up at the turkeys!
Turkeys love to perch and they love to perch as high as possible and so it is that most days we now have to look up to see the birds as they clatter their way across the tops of the barn, stables and David’s workshop!!! They are noisy with it - it is never really peaceful because not all of them make it up high and so then we get the calling and squawking as they get excited and quarrelsome. They can also get stressed a bit because there are times when they cannot get back on the ground and so pace up and down trying to work it out. They aren’t actually great fliers at all – the only way they get up high is to flap and jump up onto fence posts and fencing and so gain height for the next jump up. Getting back down is a question of faith, and a big launch!! They don’t always land well but they recover quickly, with a shrug of their body that suggests they meant to land like that all along.
Relaxed at Home
We love our turkeys!!!