Sunday 17th September 2017
The first lambs are sold...
Today we sold the first of our lambs including our favourite ram lamb Master Muckle, pictured here back in May when he was just six weeks old. We (Jack) um-ed and ah-ed about whether to sell him or not as he is a cutie, very tame and VERY close to his mum, Muckle. In the end we were slightly led by thinking about the people who want to buy from us and the couple today were mainly interested in 'lawn mowers' and pets and as such we knew that Master Muckle would fit the bill beautifully.
They also took one of Mrs Brown's ewe lambs, plus Noss and her ram lamb as they said they 'may' be interested in breeding in the future. We had decided to sell one or two of our group of eight ewes, simply because we are keen to keep our numbers low and whilst Noss has developed in the year we have had her into a lovely looking sheep, she is quite shy still and as such our bond with her is not as great as it is with some of the others!
We have more lambs going on Friday, this time it will all be Shetland lambs and all ewes – this couple want four, we have five left so are going to try a bit of persuading... |