Thursday 21st September 2017
The bottle feeding continues
We realized tonight how tall Pluto is, when Jack bottle feeds him now, she can stand up straight and hold the bottle out and he can still reach. It is still important he feeds as he would if he was drinking from him mum, i.e. neck arched and head upwards as his body is designed for the liquid to flow down his curved esophagus as opposed to just straight down into his stomach
He is now on just five feeds a day (having taken advice from the vet and the University of Facebook). It has made no difference as to how much he takes each feed which is still around 200ml so now he just about drinks a litre a day.
One change we have noticed is that he now gives us more eye contact – a good thing or not? We are not sure. We have been warned that male alpacas can get quite 'full on' if they get too tame hence having to castrate bottle fed animals at around 6 months old, as opposed to waiting until they are 18 months.
At the moment he is just terribly sweet and we cannot imagine him ever being anything but!!