Monday 25th September 2017
PD Success - 100%
We are beyond chuffed: all three cows are in calf!! Using AI in cattle does NOT have a 100% success rate. John, our AI man, said that overall, across all type of cattle, it is around 60%. Success across the dairy industry is worse than in the beef cattle mainly because dairy herds tend to operate in more intense systems. In theory our set up here with the cows outside and grazing, with of plenty of space and no stress, was the ideal for achieving maximum success and so it has proved.
We spoke to John who was equally chuffed and the other good news is that our spare semen straws can now be kept and used next year!!! ![]()
There is another reason why this is good news and that is because we do now have a buyer for some of the cows and with the pregnancies confirmed, the sale can hopefully go ahead. We are selling Sage and her heifer calf, and both of Parsley’s steers from this year and last. As with all our selling decisions, it has been hard. We have decided to go down to two cows mainly to reduce workload in the winter and also because as our first year here has progressed, we have realized more and more we only want to raise meat for ourselves and not set up any kind of meat box schemes. We will probably only take a steer to meat weight for ourselves once every two years. There is also the impact on the land to consider. We have had a few dry days recently but the summer has been terribly wet as has this month so far on and off, and we are due a very wet day Wednesday and weekend, again!. At the moment the cows can only really be in the 4-acre field as the 3-acre ones are now both rather soggy underfoot. Selling these four is going to give us a lot more flexibility as to how we use our fields and it could mean we do a lot more mixed grazing next year.