Monday 2nd October 2017
No mud!!!!
The 4-acre field is holding out really well and despite having 13 sheep, six alpacas and four cows in it 24/7, it is remarkably un-muddy… (at the moment). The really wet weather has eased a little in this last week or so and whilst we have had rain, we have NOT had any real torrential downpours. Plus it has been quite windy and wind is very drying.
We are very much enjoying having all the sheep, cows and alpacas together - morning and evening checks are wonderfully easy but if we need to look at an individual animal in a group, that can be fun to facilitate!! Having all our stock bucket trained as we do is great but then when we only want the sheep to respond to the rattle of feed, we don’t exactly have the option of telling the cows and alpacas to stay put cos we don’t want them to come over!! We’re learning to be quite canny...