Monday 9th October 2017
Getting through the hay!!
The four-acre field continues to play host to all the four legged stock aside from the goats and it continues to hold up well. The 23 of them (cows, sheep and alpacas) are however, starting to get through the hay now; we are putting two bales in the two racks once every two or three days. We are trying to hold off putting the cows in their Winter Pad for as long as we can as once in there, the four of them will probably get through a whole bale every day, plus of course we will have more mucking out!! In the photo by the way, the little monkeys have pulled one of the bales onto the grass before we had chance to get it to their rack... thanks guys!!!!
The two three acre fields are pretty wet now and we think it is very unlikely that the sheep and alpacas will be able to come back to them before the Spring. The cows were the last to graze in these two fields and that means they have had a bit of clean up as far as parasites are concerned. Good news for our lambing next spring which is another reason why we would not want to put the sheep back there, even if the land was a bit drier….