Friday 20th October 2017
Turkey round up!!
The turkeys continue to explore the garden and as the photos show, David had fun and games trying to round them up today. They were heading for the side gate at one point, beyond which is the road and so we felt a bit of an 'about turn' was needed. The ornamental pear proved tricky to navigate round but we all got there in the end.
For the past few days, the turkeys have had a little follower: the same chicken (one of this year's Indian Game crosses) keeps hooking up with the adventurers and wherever they go, she goes. It's very sweet.
Not all the turkeys made it for today's escapade, we have 12 in total and there were just nine here: missing were Napoleona, Victoria and one of the youngsters. It's quite sad when this happens as usually they do all like to be together and when apart, they get quite stressed and start to shriek for one another. It can get VERY loud. It's another reason to round them up and send them back to the poultry area – so they can all be reunited and life can be peaceful again... We are soo going to miss them when they go!!! ! |