Sunday 22nd October 2017
Contrary goats
This is a picture of the goats eating hay!! Not remarkable, not really, EXCEPT that this hay is from a bale that the animals had all refused to eat a couple of weeks ago. The goats in particular really turned their noses up at it but nonetheless we left some in a couple of racks in their field shelter – just in case! And there it has remained, TOTALLY untouched, until today, when we decided we really ought to move it as they just weren’t eating it at all. And so we dutifully emptied the racks and piled the hay into the wheelbarrow to take it to the cows (who aren’t being quite so fussy). Lo and behold, no sooner was in the wheelbarrow than the goats suddenly decided it was the best hay ever after all, and began merrily tucking in.
Words fail us!!!!