Tuesday 24th October 2017
Irresistible turkeys
The turkeys are proving a bit irresistible at the moment. They seem to be spending way more time out of the poultry paddock than in it and today decided to help with the Autumn clear up by pecking (and eating) the leaves from one of our Gunnera plants – which strictly speaking wasn’t helping at all, on account of the leaves being well and truly alive still!!
Even funnier was when Dragonfly, our youngest Gordon Setter came to investigate and got chased away.
Back in the stable Victoria and Katherine are both really moulting at the moment and so not looking their best at all, and probably not feeling that great either! Some moults are quite ferocious with bare skin being exposed for a while until the new feathers start to grow: both girls are indeed quite bald in places and so sensibly stay in a fair bit, especially when it is raining (which it is doing a lot of at the moment). |