The three eggs at the front are the first three eggs laid by the chicken in the second picture. They are, it has to be said, a most peculiar colour and what's more, we are not quite sure where this colour has come from. It is a sort of olive colour and as the photos show, it has been getting darker and more uniform.

The chicken is one of this year's youngsters but unfortunately we are not sure who her mum is! There is a chance it 'might' be Row. Now Row lays pale eggs, as does her mum but her grandfather (her mum's mum) was a Cream Legbar, a breed that lays blue eggs! We have no idea whether egg colour might skip a generation like this nor do we understand the relationship between blue and green egg colouring.
If this bird ISN'T one of Row's daughters, she could have hatched direct from a blue egg as we do have two other blue eggs layers (also daughters of the Cream Legbar mentioned above).
It will be interesting to see how the colour does develop. We are glad now that we have not sold any of our youngsters as it going to be interesting to see what other colour eggs we get!!