The ducks definitely approve of their new paddling pool. We bought it as a compromise, having decided back in the spring NOT to build a large pond for them, but wanting something a bit more than a basic bowl or bucket. Legally, ducks only need enough water to be able to dip their heads in but we have always wanted to give them enough so at the very least, they can cover their whole body. This pool does the job admirably.
We decided against a pond because of the likelihood of more ‘poultry lockdowns’ due to the risk of Avian Flu where last year, we were required to keep our birds away from ponds OR cover them over.
We have sited the paddling pool by the compost heap and at the end of our drainage trench and so if the ducks splash and make a mess, it won’t matter. The beauty of this size pool is that it can be emptied easily, cleaned and refilled and if needs be, moved around. Certainly in the summer we will probably have it on the grass in the main paddock.
Happy ducks today then!!!