Hooray, first thing this morning we found a very ‘in-season’ Sorrel and a very eager Carlos. We did a quick feed and muck out and then let the two of them spend the day together.
We didn’t take a photo (would have been rude!!) so this photo is from yesterday and somewhat typical of this last week: cold with northerly wind and rain!!!
Since her slight relapse last week (soft poo again), Sorrel is doing well. She is now pooing proper goat pellets which, thinking back, we have not seen for months; her coat is shiny and she has a good ‘covering’ on her ribs and back. We now feel she is in tip top condition to hopefully support a growing foetus.
For the first time in a while we feel our goat plans are starting to take shape AND of course, now that Sorrel is served, Carlos can go home and we can go and pick up the lovely Pebbles!!!