Looky, looky, what do we have here? SUNSHINE!!
Today we did indeed see quite a considerable amount of sunshine and it very much lifted the spirits. We swear we could see the grass standing up and reaching out!!
Water is of course still pouring onto the land and will probably do so for some time but there will have been some evaporation and if we really used our imaginations, we could see the mud starting to dry too!!!
The sheep and goats still stayed inside but the poultry, who have the choice as to whether to go in and out, really made the most of it. At mucking out time, which for the birds is usually 10.30/11ish, we were not tripping over birds in the stables as most went outside onto the grass. It was lovely to see!!
We will take these days where we can, tomorrow is also set fair and then it's a damp weekend ahead!!