Sunday 4th February 2018
Back on grass
Today was the most glorious day: cold, sunny and DRY!! And it was quite extraordinary how much the land dried out as the day progressed. It is set to be cold and mainly dry for a fair while now, albeit with some snow forecast on Tuesday but, being the optimists we are, we are keeping our fingers crossed that we may have seen the worst of the wet weather this winter.
We decided to let the sheep back into the 4-acre field and the alpacas too. We put a temporary fence up about a third of the way in order to keep the animals off the bottom third that is still quite wet in places. The top section, where they now are, has dried out a lot! For the sheep it was the first time they had been on grass in weeks and they responded in their usual frenetic way, racing to find the best patch to eat. The alpacas have been out during the day whilst in the top 3-acre but now we will leave them and the sheep to do as they please. They have a field shelter but we won’t shut them in at night, giving them free rein to go in if they want or just stay out 24/7!
It was so lovely at dusk to see all 13 animals out grazing still. We expect they were rather chuffed too!!