We haven’t had any rain for 48 hours and we are now promised a cold spell!! The mere thought of not having to take the muck truck through muddy gateways nor sinking into the saturated woodchip in the cow pad…. well, it would be bliss!!
The garden has already started to feel less wet and the dogs are now spending more time outside, especially Dragonfly. One of her favourite activities is sitting or lying down on the grass and staring into the green lane at all the poultry. Next favoutrite is crashing out on the decking, as per the photo!
Al our dogs are very good with the birds which is just as well as they come into the garden on a regular basis. Very often we look out to see ducks dabbling on the lawn and chickens dust bathing under bushes. Dragonfly and Buzzard, being Gordon Setters, are not adverse to a bit of ‘pointing’ every now and again but they either get ignored by the birds or the birds take one look and fly back into their paddock.
And talking of dogs, we have plans to resurrect our dog breeding plans….. more on this another day!!