Another pretty warm day that remained dry although there still seems to be a huge amount of water pouring off the fields and our 4-acre is definitely very ‘paddly’!! The sheep, thoroughly spoilt as they are, decided that lying in the sunshine IN their shelter was the order of the day! They, like Pebbles, are showing signs of being in those last few weeks of their pregnancies with girths widening and some udders starting to fill.

We realized that Mrs Brown (far left) and Mrs White will be in the eighth year this year and will be lambing for the sixth time. Sheep can continue to lamb well into double figures. It does, in part, depend on the individual sheep as well as the breed. We do wonder about getting a pure Badger Face ram in order to get a Miss Brown and a Miss White one year. We do rather think it might be nice to continue with our Badger Face pair via their daughters!!!
At the moment of course we have Mr Brown, our Shetland ram but we are not at all sure whether we will be keeping him!!! He does rather 'have' his moments!