Thursday 19th April 2018

Spring - at last!!!
This week we really have started to see 'spring' - in fact the temperatures the last few days have been almost summer like and we have to say now that we do think we have turned a corner and really can say goodbye to the wet, wet, wet!! The grass is growing, buds are opening and three days ago we saw our first swallow. We don’t however have any frogspawn yet which is incredibly late, although we have been seeing male frogs and toads in the pond at night, waiting and calling for the females to join them!
Relaxed at Home
So far we seem to have a fabulous set of healthy kids and lambs and all our young birds are doing well too. Vigilance continues to be key though – we cannot afford to take our eye off the ball with any of the animals - things can change and not always for the better, at any time!!