Friday 20th April 2018

Making an impression!!
Gloria is definitely making an impression and the dogs adore her, especially Roxy and Dragonfly, as this photo shows. We try to spend as much time with her as possible, preferring her not to be on her own under the heat lamp in the utility room, although of course the danger is that if she is too used to being with us, she won’t be happy to go and ultimately live with other geese!!!!
Relaxed at Home
Each day we pick fresh grass for her and chop it up fine and she is happy to eat both that and her chick crumbs. She is already very imprinted on Jack and if she is on her desk and Jack walks away, we all get to hear about it!!!
We have bought a ‘desk top ’brooder for her that sits on the desk although currently she refers to snuggle up under Jack’s jumper – it’s all very sweet, although we do then have to remember she is there!!!