Sunday 29th April 2018

Our sunsets are back!
We’ve had a bit of a respite on the rain front and do finally feel we just ‘might’ be drying up!!!! BUT we are now cold with winds from the south that feel like they are from the north! The nighttime temperatures these last few days have been below the magic 5 degrees for grass growth and as such our two 3-acre fields are slightly struggling to keep up with the demand! The 4-acre, empty now for a couple of weeks is starting to recover but considering that Thyme needs to go back into it in two weeks, (ready to give birth on or around the 21st), we do wonder if it will be ready for her!!!
Relaxed at Home
Spring is just so late: no frogspawn still, only two single swallows sighted, we still have daffodils out as they were so late, we are only just staring to see blossom...
BUT we are starting to get our amazing sunsets again!!