Saturday 16th June 2018
A Whopping 15!
We had six eggs left in the incubator, all from a set of 'sex-linked' eggs where in theory, we should be able to tell the sex of the chicks once born. We had a 100% fertility from this set and today three of the eggs hatched. Shame to say we aren't quite sure of the sex though so will have to go back to the original breeder to clarify. They are cross breed birds out of brown eggs but due to the specific breeding programme in place, any hens will grow up to be green egg layers (hence us buying them as part of our coloured egg layers quest).
![]() Meanwhile we have given the three to our IG broody with her nine Marans and three Leghorns as we figured she is probably the best mum. This brings her total to a whopping 15!!! At the moment they look remarkably like the black Maran chicks and shame to say, now they are altogether, we are not sure we can tell the diffeence anymore. (whoops). |