When Jack was younger, she believed that cows sitting down in a field, indicated imminent rain!! Would that it were so…. Here we even have a cow/ alpaca ‘rain’ circle but rain is just not featuring in the forecast at all. We have not had any serious rain for weeks now and it is extra-ordinary to look at how dry we are when we had such a wet winter.
Farmers and smallholders have been getting fabulous first cuts of hay as the spring growth was great but for many, there is precious little chance of a second cut and as such there will be price hikes and shortages. We are lucky to have such a fab supplier just down the road from us – we have already been in touch to say we want as much hay this coming year as we did last! There is a school of thought that wonders whether we might even need to feed hay this summer. The photo shows that we still have grass but for how long???